Outdoor Knitting and other confessions
When I was young, I was embarrassed by everything I did publicly. Starting with reading my mangas (a 15-year old reading Sailor Moon, what would people say!) to going alone for a walk, not to mention telling I am going hiking with my parents instead of to the beach, or mentioning that I have a
When I was young, I was embarrassed by everything I did publicly. Starting with reading my mangas (a 15-year old reading Sailor Moon, what would people say!) to going alone for a walk, not to mention telling I am going hiking with my parents instead of to the beach, or mentioning that I have a passion for dinosaurs which included a huge collection of plastic ones.
If then someone told me that I’m going to sit in park one day knitting, I would have declared him crazy.
But, thank god!, we’re growing up, leaving small-town-thinking and sometimes you just don’t care anymore what people are saying about yourself. I have to admit those last six years in Berlin helped a lot. Today I am proudly reading mangas, watching Sailor Moon whenever I like, going hiking on my own holidays, because two weeks at the beach just bore me, present to just anyone my dinosaurs and – how could it be otherwise! – I am knitting in my lunch break at the park. 😀
But in Berlin I am not alone with this new trend. For a few years now I see people in S- and U-Bahn taking their knitting needles out. Meanwhile I bring my knitting needles everywhere as well. Only in the cinema it is sometimes hard because of the darkness but with simple patterns even that is manageable.
I wasn’t lazy in Mexico either taking my knitting needles out of the bag. Whether at the beach, in a bus, I told you about the airplane already, at the hostel of watching fish eating loose skin from your feet while you sit at the waters of a cenote.
Actually I’m getting only positive feedback to my activities from people. On the one side I hear that lots tried knitting once in a while and are eager to start it again. On the other side people try to find out where I got those knitting needles made from wood whereas I try to explain in broken Spanish that they’re from Germany (Alemania!) and are way better than the metal ones (mucho mejor!) because the wool is not slipping from them as much.
How about you, especially the younger ones? Are you knitting everywhere as well? Or are you in such a big DIY community that no one is troubled by it anyway?
3 Responses to “Outdoor Knitting and other confessions”
Mein Bekenntnis zum Geektum - Alpaka Me! - Alpaka Me!
[…] Ich denke, inzwischen lebe ich mein Geektum. Also, nicht nur, dass Programmieren mein Beruf ist, aber ich verstecke auch nicht mehr meine anderen Leidenschaften. (Im Gegensatz zu früher.) […]
Madame Flamusse
yo je nach Tagesverfassung…übe noch..hab gedacht man könnte da wirklich mehr Gruppenveranstaltung draus machen, wäre schön 😉
Gruppenveranstaltungen finde ich allerdings auch Klasse! Gerade so etwas wie den ‘Knit in public day”.
Aber auch wenn ich die Einzige bin, die in der Gruppe strickt, z.B. bei einem Picknick mit Freunden, stört mich das nicht weiter.