World Book Day 2014


Another world book day was celebrated and I again joined. Even though my reading habit quite changed a bit since the last time.

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Another world book day is here.

Since last time, my habit of reading changed for two reasons quite a bit:

  • I finally got a Kindle and
  • I plan on travel and move around a lot more.

Because of this my books basically shrank to only one left in my stack: “Gone with the Wind” which I almost finished for two years now. 😀 Well, it’s an humongous book, am I right?

The rest of the books I still own and actually want to keep owning are back at my parents place. Amongst them are my Sailor Moon Mangas, my Harry Potter collection and – obviously – the knitting books I bought over the years.

The others I sold or gave away.

This was hard in the beginning, I have to admit. Who doesn’t love the smell of a good book? But in the end I felt good about it: I am still reading a lot – “A Song of Ice and Fire” at the moment – yet I am buying less and therefore have less books that I haven’t read yet in my stack. Though my amazon wishlist is immense still.

And the best part: Travelling is more lightly thanks to my “Ryan Gosling”, my Kindle’s name, as well . 😉

Our romantic 'Hinterhof'

Anyway, minimizing my stuff doesn’t mean forgetting to encourage people to read. So this year I got 10 copies of “Le voyage d’Hector ou la recherche du bonheur” by François Lelord and I decided to put them out in the stairwell of our house for all my lovely neighbors to take.

And they truly are lovely: Never before have I heard about a house in Berlin were everyone knows each other and they lovingly share a “Hinterhof” and a lot of time together.

And what would you know: The books were gone in a week.

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