Project 52 – Week 2

Projekt 52

Yarn: Blue Sky Alpaka Silk #144 (Mango) Pattern #3: Knitting with Bobbles (de) Again something that I wanted to try for ages: Bobbles! I decided I would keep the rest of the pattern very simple and only knit all stitches. I can really imagine this pattern for jackets for children and that kind. Pattern #4: “The

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Project 52 – Week 1

Projekt 52

My first week! Yarn: Blue Sky Alpaka Silk #144 (Mango) Pattern #1: Drop Stitch Pattern of Lion Brand (en) It is a bit weird, to actually let some stitches drop. This is furthermore my first pattern of this kind. But I thought it looked really nice so I wanted to use it as my first pattern. Pattern

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Project 52

Projekt 52

This year I’m finally doing it: A 52 week project. For a few years now I am following a couple of those and the 365 day projects and I am always surprised by all those beautiful and creative ideas. (Do you remember “A Collection A Day” ?) After a bit of internet research and thinking I finally

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