#bloghug: Berlin Reified
At the end of January, the wonderful Holly of decor8 invited to a new round of a hashtag party. This time she asked to hug a blogger. The main reason is to show a blogger you adore, that you as a reader are present. Even if you have seldom time to add a meaningful comment under their posts.
At the end of January, the wonderful Holly of decor8 invited to a new round of a hashtag party. This time she asked to hug a blogger.
The main reason is to show a blogger you adore, that you as a reader are present. Even if you have seldom time to add a meaningful comment under their posts. I know how that is with the time and I just don’t like to leave a simple “Great article.”, I want to say more.
So, which blogger would I like to hug virtually? I live in Berlin with all its huge amount of blogs about what you can do and where you can go and which shops and places are “in”. But for me there is one blog for me that stands out of the crowd: Berlin Reified.
Why? I admire Sylees Blog for all her wonderful pictures, the short and yet spot on descriptions of her expeditions and all the beautiful and interesting places she discovers away from mainstream and tourists. It inspires me finding again and again that even after eight and a half years (!) in Berlin, I can discover something new every day.
Thanks to her I for example found Knopf Paul. It’s a little shops for all kind of buttons you can wish for. (Her article for the shop is here.) I bought these beautiful buttons made out of sea shells and one from “Apfelkoralle” (I didn’t find an English word for it. Any ideas?)
And as well a big thank you to the lovely salesman in Knopf Paul. It’s been a while since I had such a nice sales talk. He even explained to me that I should be very careful with the buttons when I wash my cloths. They are “for real” after all.
So to finalize my blog-hugging-post I just want to let Sylee know: Please, continue to blog as lovely as you do now. I am looking forward to every single post. 🙂