Confession: I am a Geekette
Geeksisters asked to admit your geekiness. So these are my answers to those questions. Enjoy. 🙂 1. What makes you a geek? First of all my work, obviously: Web development. It is impossible to not be a bit geeky in this field. Everywhere you can find some references, with your colleagues, while reading occupational articles. But this is just
Geeksisters asked to admit your geekiness. So these are my answers to those questions. Enjoy. 🙂
1. What makes you a geek?
First of all my work, obviously: Web development. It is impossible to not be a bit geeky in this field. Everywhere you can find some references, with your colleagues, while reading occupational articles. But this is just one reason more why I love my profession.
Still this is not all that makes me geeky: There is also my anime and manga collection, my gaming obsession (video, card, board – I just don’t mind which one first.), the Pokémon card game. I guess even my knitting love is somehow related to geekiness. This is quite a collection in itself, isn’t it?
2. How did you become a geek?
This is so obvious: Sailor Moon. There is nothing more to add. By the way, the picture is from a motto party last year: “Heroes and foes of your childhood.” And for me it was so clear to dress as Sailor Moon. She was THE heroine of my childhood, she comforted me over a lot of lonely, sad, heartachy days. I felt like she was always my best friend. 😛 And still is.
3. How does your geekiness affect your live?
I guess, nowadays I am living my geekiness. Well, I don’t mean just because I develop as a profession, but I also not hiding any of my other passions. (Quite to opposite to my past.)
And I actually got to know my boyfriend during some anime evenings together.
2 Responses to “Confession: I am a Geekette”
Heldengalerie des Geektums Teil 3
[…] Julia ist Webentwicklerin und nerdet sich in iherer Freizeit nicht nur ins Sammeln von Pokémon-Karten sondern auch ins Stricken rein (ich liebe solche abgefahrenen Kombis!). Zum Geektum kam sie durch Sailor Moon. […]
Welttag des Buches 2014 - Alpaka Me! - Alpaka Me!
[…] die ich noch besitze und auch behalten möchte, sind wieder bei meinen Eltern. Darunter sind meine Sailor Moon Mangas, meine Harry Potter Sammlung und – natürlich – die Strickbücher, die ich über die […]