Simple Living I: KonMari & Uncluttering

Nähen, Sonstiges

I started a new round of uncluttering my life: I will takle again clothes, but also my craft project stash. Today, I will talk to you about my underwear box though.

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About three years ago, when everything seemed to fall apart and my life was thrown over, I really got into minimalism, or how I prefer it: simple living.

It started out easy enough: I planned to go to Australia, so it made sense to get rid of most of my stuff. First the furniture. Now I own only a mattress, a desk and a chair and that’s about it. Step by step more parts of my life got involved. I got rid of most of my books. (momox! Love it!) I sorted through clothes, old hobbies and thought about what I really wanted to keep: knitting yes, painting no (for now 😉 ).

And when Australia didn’t happen, I actually enjoyed my new life style and kept on going.

This year, I feel it is time again for me to reassess my belongings. For one thing I feel ready for a next step, but there is also a relocation in the making. Furthermore, for some belongings one needs time to process the farewell. Or, at least, I do. So, this time I will have another go at clothes, mementos, documents, but also at my crafting stash (and all those started projects!).

As a part of the Popsugar Reading Challenge, I started reading Marie Kondos “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying”. I was especially impressed with her folding principles of clothing. I do not own a wardrobe, all my clothes live in a box, so proper folding is vital. Have a look at Juju Sprinkles wonderful sketched overview of the KonMari folding method. (That is what the uncluttering method is called, based on the authors name.)

One thing I wanted to takle first is my underwear box. Holy chaos!

I thought long and hard how to best resolve this and found a perfect solution for at least my panties chaos: Box pouches! You can find at least 20 nice tutorials on the web, so I will not include another one here. 🙂

I used some of my fabric scraps from other projects, which I have a lot of. So far I’ve sewn 4 boxes which contain 8-9 panties and are enough for my stash. Now I am thinking about one more for sneaker socks, which also should fit in. Basically, you need not even a weekend to finish them and I also would recommend this as a project for beginners.

I have two ways of putting the panties in, after folding them the KonMari way: horizontal, which is the easier way to fill the box and you can squeeze one more in, in my case 9 panties, and vertical, where I can see all of the content the box contains. These days though, I prefer the horizontal way.

Now have a little peek into my panties box pouches and happy uncluttering. 🙂



This post is part of the Craftastic and the Inspiration Monday Linkparty.

6 Responses to “Simple Living I: KonMari & Uncluttering”

  1. Alex

    Solche Taschen wären ja auch eine brauchbare Lösung für mich. Ich staple einen Teil meiner Unterhose nämlich immer im Badezimmer. Verpackt sehe das ja netter aus.

    Hast du zufällig einen Link zu einer deutschen Anleitung?

    • Julia

      Hallo Alex,

      Die einzige Anleitung, die ich auf Deutsch gefunden habe, ist folgende auf Youtube:

      Vielleicht sollte ich das also doch noch mal nachholen? Ich habe das auch etwas anders gemacht, Außentasche und Innentasche habe ich separat genäht und dann per Hand zusammengenäht, wie man auch auf diesen Bildern sehen kann:

      Liebe Grüße,

  2. facile et beau - Gusta

    Die Boxen sind richtig super und so farbenfroh. da macht das aufräumen / ausmisten / einsortieren einfach nur gute Laune. Danke fürs teilen <3 und dabeisein beim Upcycling.
    liebe grüße

  3. Hanna Lisa

    Was für eine super Idee! Ich glaub, die muss ich nachmachen 🙂

    • Julia

      Die sind auch so schnell genäht, da kann man kaum aufhören! 😀

  4. annielewis

    Ich mag diese kleinen süßen Dinge 😀

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