Link party
Welcome my lovelies. You’ll find on this page an overview over all the link parties I participate in from time to time. Have a look around, read a bit and leave some comment love if you like. 🙂
Welcome my lovelies. You’ll find on this page an overview over all the link parties I participate in from time to time. Have a look around, read a bit and leave some comment love if you like. 🙂
Todays ornament will be some baby versions of the previous ones.
Today’s ornament spots candy cane colors through a spiralling gradient color.
Oh, how I adore this pattern. Aren’t flowers wonderful?
The topic for this days ornament is abstract snowy forest. 🙂
No Christmas pattern is complete without a “Norwegian star”.
After at least 3 trials of starting again, it is finally here: The cabled ornament.
The second day with a non-traditional Christmas ornament but a wonderful colorful one.
First window of the advent calendar. Let’s start with the basic pattern and a starry night.
Noch eine Firmenfeier, noch ein Kleid. Diesmal gibt es ein Dirndl, dass ich inzwischen auch als Sommerkleid trage.
Erinnert ihr euch an dieses Kleidchen? Ich habe es für Mexiko genäht. Vor vier Jahren! Und trage es immer noch sehr gern und sehr sehr oft.
Weren't the 60s a wonderful time? I feel quite often drawn back to them, the music, the styling, the dresses. Let's revisit the era with a quickly sewn A-line dress from Simplicity.
I started a new round of uncluttering my life: I will takle again clothes, but also my craft project stash. Today, I will talk to you about my underwear box though.
Mein heutiges Me Made Mittwoch Stück ist wohl das erste komplizierte Werk, dass ich genäht habe. Da bin ich mir ziemlich sicher, vor allem, wenn ich mir anschaue, wie die Nähte des Tops gesetzt sind … 🙂 Auch die Armausschnitte sind etwas zu eng geraten, aber trotzdem ziehe ich es sehr gerne an. Vor allem macht es
About a week ago I finished the sari trousers published in the last issue of the HANDMADE kultur magazine. And I am loving it! Not only the fantastic, tropical fabric which turned out to be exactly how I imagined. Furthermore, the pattern was crazily easy to follow and is highly recommendable for beginners. Only the